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And now, a message to all of you, our dear supporters through the years: as you knew, we started since last year to plan our new releases on a specific conceptual way. Then, each new year, Müldeponie will present you a brand new "style", or maybe a new way of playing our music on new thematics and ideas.
The 2014 was a medieval year, and a tolkien one, and we could have heard it in the music and see it on our arts. This new year, the year 2015, we are really glad to offer you a brand new idea we work on since a while now, quite innovative.

















Müldeponie's 2015 year will be the meeting of Space Ambient music and Dark Medieval. Maybe can we call it some kind of Dungeon Space Ambient. Anyway, the concept will be based on the stories of the great warriors from the early middle-ages on Earth who triumph by fighting in the deep space, between black holes and supernovas, through the paths of time in the great middle space of universe.
We hope you will like this brand new idea, we promise you that you will really hear some better differences in our works, and don't hesitate to give us your point of view on this as on our works of this year! 


(This post has originally be posted on facebook page)

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